Dimension-reducing Blow


Initially, Lin Ruohuan didn't notice the slight transformation in his surroundings. However, after hearing Tong Feng's words, he realized that something wasn't right.

His surroundings were indeed undisturbed. There wasn't even the slightest fluctuation of the Way of the Heavens.

No matter how exquisite Haitang'er's control was, the Cutting Path was still the Cutting Path. Even after transcending the Nine Death Thunder Calamity, the other party was just slightly stronger than him... Just slightly.

In terms of cultivation level, the two of them were at the same level.

However, with a sweep of his spiritual senses, Lin Ruohuan did not sense any fluctuation of the Way of the Heavens.

His thoughts became mixed suddenly, and a thought that should not have appeared arose. Did this person make a move?

"Suspected, Passive Points + 1."