This Was a Huge Urn!

In the Central Zone.

Xu Xiaoshou looked at the sky-scratching ancient building in front of him. He fixed his gaze on the golden plague "First Pavilion in the Sky". He was somewhat surprised.

"Six billion for half a year?"

"Yes, half a year is the minimum renting period..."

Xin Gugu was slightly anxious.

Indeed, that was what the Plenty Gold Company said.

However, they had wasted six billion to rent this old building for half a year.

For sure, if Xu Xiaoshou had not given the previous order, he would not have dared to do this.


Xu Xiaoshou nodded indifferently.

Along the way from the Plenty Gold Company, he noted the flow of people in the Central Zone.

Especially when the Holy Divine Palace and headquarters of various large associations were nearby, the crowd was so big that it was beyond description.

To describe it as a "vast crowd" was perhaps just a closer description.