He Was Ruined

Truth be told.

Xu Xiaoshou did not plan to sleep tonight.

Even though the two night raiders changed their appearance and voice, he could roughly guess their origins.

There weren't many factions that could casually send two Sovereigns.

The only faction that met the above criteria and had a large conflict with them during the day was the Jiang family.

Especially when he thought about Jiang Xian's "Three Loathsome Eyes" and his junior sister's abnormal behavior, it wasn't difficult to guess what was going on.

These people came for the "God Devil Eyes"!

In the darkness at the end of the hall, Mu Zixi, who had been watching the show was sent away forcefully. Xu Xiaoshou returned to his dragon chair.

The Eight Trigrams Pilgrimage Map was unexpectedly useful.

It was indeed the great protective array of the Pilgrimage Tower. Even two Sovereigns couldn't do anything to it.