Who The H*ll Taught You to Raise the Price Like This?


In box number one, a grey-haired middle-aged man slammed the wine jug on the table onto the ground.

He did not deliberately suppress the sound.

Instead, he removed the soundproof array in the room so that everyone at the trade fair could hear the angry voice from the Holy Divine Palace.

"Calm down." Cheng Ji waved his hand, signalling for the person in front of him to calm down.

"Is the Night Cat crazy?"

Chu Lisheng pointed at the void token that suddenly appeared on the high platform, he blew his nose and glared. "The last time I went to talk to the Night Cat, what did they tell me? It's a clue to the Abyss Island!"

"It's just a clue. If they wanted us to buy it, we would have bought it."

"And now..."

Chu Lisheng was furious and said in disbelief, "D*mn, these guys don't want their lives anymore. Do they want money? So they just took out the void token to trade?"

Cheng Ji didn't say anything.