A Black Screen! A Black Screen!

The 'conversion' effect of the Sovereign (Stage) was completely out of his expectations.

Xu Xiaoshou was ecstatic.

However, he took a look at the information bar.

"Passive Points: 599,462."

The appearance of this thing directly consumed about a third of his Passive Points...

"Damn it."

"'Conversion' is powerful, but it's too expensive!"

Xu Xiaoshou calmed down and ignored Xu Xiaoji, who was limping over. He turned around and returned to the site of his experiment.

He had to pull the spatial barrier properly. Otherwise, the spectacle of him digging a hole and burying himself in it would be seen by others.

"Do I still smoke?"

To be honest, Xu Xiaoshou did not dare to smoke any more.

He still wanted to awaken.

Now that the awakening stone was selling for 30,000 Passive Points per stone, which meant ten consecutive awakenings would cost 300,000... it was simply a scam!