The Cloud Beast First Appeared, a Sword from the East!

At noon the next day.

A day and a half had passed since the Imperial City Trial began.

Xu Xiaoshou's 'Xu Gang' continued to head towards the inner regions of the Yunlun Mountain Range after a night of rest.

However, it seemed that the eastern region was incredibly barren.

The number of cloud beads had drastically decreased as if they had been thoroughly plundered. They had the idea of taking advantage of every opportunity but if even the opportunity was hard to come by, how would they take advantage?

Young Master Xu and the other two were flying and the Five Tiger Generals were following from behind.

Tai Xing looked at the other four Master (stage) cultivators expressionlessly and found it hard to say, "You guys found nothing too?"

After breaking through to Master (stage) last night, he continued his mission this morning to search for cloud beads.

But after half a day, he didn't even see a trace of a cloud bead.