Fated? The Root of Nirvana!

Yu Lingdi came with a valiant spirit and walked away unwillingly.

Hua Ying, who had transformed into a trial officer, was full of 'praise me quickly' expressions.

Xu Xiaoshou had survived this ordeal without any danger, but he still had some fright remaining.

It was fortunate that he had maintained his identity as the Demi-Saint descendant, causing Yu Lingdi to be a little wary of him. He had even mastered the Weaving Technique...

Otherwise, he really didn't know how he could get through this round.

"Thanks to the envoy from the Holy Palace."

After saluting his junior martial nephew solemnly, Xu Xiaoshou said in telepathic communication, "Someone is watching."

Hua Ying was a little excited when she saw her master's brother. She wanted to say something, but after receiving the telepathic communication, her excited expression disappeared.