We Pay Our Respects to Xu Faction's Leader!

"Hahaha, this guy is finished. He has stirred up a hornet's nest!" Tang Zheng laughed loudly as he carried his large saber on his shoulder and pointed at the dozen or so black-clothed men on the horizon.

No one had expected that from the moment Gu Qingsan appeared to the moment he was intercepted, he had only used an impulsive thrust that had truly exceeded everyone's expectations.

In these nine days, everyone had already gotten used to the existence of the trial officers, and they also knew why these people would appear.

However, Gu Qingsan's bravery should not have been used in this way.

With this, he could at most be considered brave with no brains!

"He won't be able to stir up any more waves. After the trial officers take him away, we can start our next wave of operations," Among the trial-takers, someone laughed out loud.

"Of course," The person beside him replied.

"No one will be able to protect the spatial origin stone this time!"