My Name Is Bazhun'an. Those Who Want to Try My Sword Will Die!

Just as Rao Yaoyao who was hidden within the nine heavens was still letting her thoughts run wild while making preparations, the battle in the Yunlun Mountain Range had basically stopped.

The Demi-saint's descendant, Duo'er, had been inexplicably scared out of her wits by Young Master Xu's single punch. No one would believe it if such news were to spread out.

As for the person in question, Xu Xiaoshou could only vaguely deduce some of the reasons as to why this had happened. Perhaps it had something to do with "Swallow the Mountains and Rivers", but he couldn't be sure.

After all, no one could determine whether Duo'er herself was sick or not, right?

However, "Feast" had devoured almost all the Black Heart Gu army in one gulp, which meant that the battle could be put to rest.

Everyone was amazed at Young Master Xu's ability.

Xu Xiaoshou himself was amazed at the terrifying devouring power of "Feast".