If I Want You Dead, Even If the Gods Come, You Won't Live

Eastern Region, Yunlun Mountain Range.

Xu Xiaoshou felt as if it had been a whole century since he had performed the Soul Reading on the damned spider-like monster in front of him.

The intense headache caused by the side effects of facing a Demi-Saint had eased a lot when the various wills in his body had been awakened.

The Saint Blood in his brain that had been left behind by Elder Sang moved slightly as if it was about to release its power to help him completely withstand this attack, but Xu Xiaoshou immediately suppressed its abnormal movement.

He knew that now was not the time to use the Saint Blood.

Even the power of the Sovereign Stage was not allowed in the Yunlun Mountain Range, so if he used Saint power, it would only lead to even more terrifying consequences.

He forcefully ended the 'Soul Reading'.