Lord of the White Cave! (Part 1)

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

Next to him, layers after layers of spiritual source mist suddenly spread out from the silver-haired Lei Xi'er's body. It was a sign of a breakthrough in her realm and the rise of her energy reserve.

While the others were fighting and arguing, Lei Xi'er finally used the White Cave's Source of the World to devour all the power of the Holy Blood.

The Source of the World had long been integrated into her

After borrowing the power of the Holy Blood, she had perfected and activated all the power of the Path Principles in the White Cave World.

At this moment, through her Memory Legacy Secret Technique, Lei Xi'er had truly taken over the Source of the World of White Cave and obtained complete ownership.

The Source of the World acknowledged the ownership and was successfully activated.

This meant that Lei Xi'er had transformed and become the child of the plane in the extradimensional space of White Cave.