Lord of the White Cave! (Part 3)

He grabbed Patriarch Wuji's shoulder and lightly exerted force. His five fingers pierced through his opponent's flesh and blood.

"Do you dare?"

A whisper in Patriarch Wuji's ear caused his hair to stand on end.

He looked at the cold demonic Qi in Xu Xiaoshou's eyes and felt the terrifying pressure on his shoulder.

When he lowered his head, he saw the Four Pillars of Destiny Token of Bazhun'an.

Patriarch Wuji was silent for a long time before he gritted his teeth and shook his head.

"I don't dare..."

He finally straightened his position.

A pawn would always be a pawn.

From the moment he was sent out of Abyss Island by the three ancestors of the White Vein, his life was no longer his.

Under such circumstances, how could he dare to touch Xu Xiaoshou, who might become the chess master in the future?

Not to mention Baizun'an.