I've Been Waiting for Quite Some Time... (Part 2)

The scene continued.

Xu Xiaoshou saw Yi being controlled to death by Xu Xiaoshou, Lei Xi'er, and Patriarch Wuji, and hit by Disillusionment Finger twice, the entire process of wanting to self-destruct, and before his self-destruction...

He could feel everything!


In a flash, everything ended.

Soul Reading completed a long fragmented life.

However, as it moved on to reality, it was the instant when Yi wanted to self-destruct but was controlled by Xu Xiaoshou.

In that instant!

At the same time that Xu Xiaoshou ended the Soul Reading, Yi's self-destruct state froze in pain for half a second before he continued with it!

"Stop him!" Xu Xiaoshou shouted. "He didn't intend to self-destruct, he wants to run away!"

Running away?

Patriarch Wuji was stunned. How would he run?

He too didn't think that Yi would commit suicide, but how could he run away under such a flawless plan when he was so weak?