Sword Deity + Godhood Sword = Holy Emperor? 1

"If your heart is not firm, you should be punished!"

Dao Qiongcang turned to the swordsman of the Eastern Region. This time, he did not kill him, but only punished them.

As a result, the Ten Orders Spiritual Array trembled, and the multicolored light descended, purifying all the negative statuses of the swordsman. Then, they were ruthlessly struck to the ground, and after they fell to the ground one by one, they cried out in grief.

"Hallmaster Dao is wise!"

The nearby spiritual cultivators hurriedly helped their good friends and comrades up. He was afraid that after these people were smashed, they would speak without thinking, he added, "Hallmaster Dao helped you resolve the effects of cultivation deviation, and he even used the holy light to help you strengthen your Dao hearts. You must not act recklessly."

How could the swordsman of the Eastern Region dare act recklessly?