A New Era of the Seven-Sword Deity? 1

Xiao Kongtong sighed and didn't continue.

However, Xiu Yuanke became excited and said, "Teacher has been resurrected. As the only student who has seen him, you must have a way to contact him, right? Tell him now. I really want to learn 'sword cognition', sincerely and whole-heartedly!"

Xiao Kongtong shook his head slightly and said no more.

The boy in the yard sneered and said, "Xiu Yuanke, don't be stubborn. Eldest Senior Brother has always been kind to us. If he could really teach us, he would have taught 'sword cognition' to you a long time ago. Why would he wait so many years? Honestly, Eldest Senior Brother has demonstrated 'Sword Cognition' many times. If you can't figure it out, it's because you're not talented enough."

Xiu Yuanke's face turned red. "When adults are talking, you little brat, shut up!"

"Hmph!" The boy immediately became angry and turned his head away, no longer trying to explain to a fool.