Fishing in the Yunlun Mountains, Giving You a Celebration! 1

Shenyi smiled. He gently stroked the hair of the woman in his arms, and shook his head, saying, "That's impossible. Ai Cangsheng has been watching me. He won't let me continue on like this. Once I show signs of becoming a saint, he will come down personally and solve the problem."

In Cross Corner Street, one could talk about the name of a saint without any worries or avoidance because demi-saints couldn't enter the space unless they paid a great price.

Those who did pay the price to enter the Cross Corner Street were suppressed by even more terrifying rules. Their strength wasn't even comparable to the higher void level.

Therefore, demi-saints rarely came to Cross Corner Street in the City of the Dead Bodhisattva.

Aunt Xiang was silent for a long time. She looked up and advised, "Can you just not become a saint? It's been so many years. Aren't you over it?"