The Hidden Pawn of Bazun'an! (3)

In this situation where she was deceiving herself, how could she not fail miserably when she "belittled" Xu Xiaoshou in the name of "attaching importance" to him?

"Perhaps this was how Yi died..." thought Rao Yaoyao. When she looked at Night Guardian again, her eyes were filled with surprise.

How deep his understanding of Xu Xiaoshou was that he could dissect such a person so deeply?

"You seem to have a story?" Rao Yaoyao waved her hand to dismiss Wang Dachui, who was about to teach Night Guardian a lesson and asked her subordinate.

Night Guardian sighed, his eyes filled with some disappointment. "I once wanted to take Xu Xiaoshou into the red-clothed and inherit my mantle. Before he became a Saint Servant, because of his aptitude, temperament, personality... and so on, he was still controllable at that time..."

Night Guardian no longer could continue.