Lord of All Worlds, Ye Xiaotian! (1)

Thinking of people's thinking and thinking of ways to deal with them was like predicting the future.

"This time, I'm on the third level..."

Ye Xiaotian smiled.

He felt that anyone who was suspicious and smart would succeed in this plan.

Except for idiots.

And Rao Yaoyao was definitely not an idiot!

Now that he had finished recuperating, his injuries had healed, and he had contacted Qiao Qianzhi, sending the Saint Origin Crystal away, Ye Xiaotian felt at ease.

The only thing left for him was to find Xu Xiaoshou and ask for the Divine Puppet of the first generation.

And for this matter, he decided to hand it over to the future. For the time being, it would be better for him to stay out of the limelight!


The demonic wind of Lone Cliff was still reverberating in his ears.

Ye Xiaotian snapped out of it and felt somewhat uneasy. He felt that he could not stay in this place for long.