The Light of a Powerless Individual! 1

From fantasy to reality?

Xu Xiaoshou didn't understand the concept, but it did sound rather crazy and familiar.

Just from the words of the headmaster, he felt that Elder Qiao's path was similar to his own 'drawing expertise'.

However, there was a fundamental difference between the two.

Drawing expertise was essentially the manifestation of one's 'fantasy' and the addition of some spiritual quality to it, allowing it to have more 'self-awareness'.

However, this 'self-awareness' was ultimately still the consciousness of the main body.

Just like the Portrait Clone of Bazhun'an and so on, if Xu Xiaoshou wasn't controlling from afar, then it would only be a lifelike painting that transcended the confines of paper. It would remain a dead object.

While the path that Elder Qiao was working towards, which the headmaster had mentioned, focused more on spiritual array, or in other words, Divine Secret.