One Man's Party 2

"In my opinion, the enemy has set up a trap to lure us in step by step..."

"There's definitely danger ahead!"

Gu Qinger carried the sword wheel, which had nine swords stabbed into it, on his back. In the middle of the sword wheel was the second-ranked blood sword on the famous sword list, the Bewitching Demon. With extreme vigilance, he landed on Lone Cliff.

After confirming that there were no dangers, special arrays, or ambushes on the mountain edge of the cliff, he nodded to the back, motioning his eldest senior brother to land on the cliff.

Gu Qingyi tapped his toes, and the evil sword Yuelian fell into his arms. He landed on the Lone cliff with a mixture of surprise and vigilance.

"There's no one here..." Gu Qinger walked around the cliff and didn't see anyone. He said with a slightly relaxed mood, "We are indeed the chosen ones. Only we have this kind of special guidance."