Fringe Moon Immortal City, Big Mouth 2

"As for the struggle for the Great Path..."

He paused for a moment and looked at another floating corpse in front of him. His expression became more solemn. "If we really talk about misery, who would be more miserable than the Lei clan? They were the most innocent ones!"

The Lei clan?

A silver-haired Lei Xi'er and her brother Lei Shuangxing instantly flashed through Xu Xiaoshou's mind.

As he turned around, his face changed, and he said quietly, "Are you also concerned about the Lei family? I think what I got from Fringe Moon immortal city is different from what you have. Why don't you tell me?"

Xiao Kongtong didn't suspect him. He clicked his tongue and sighed.

"Lei Shuangxing is miserable. I thought my teacher wanted to train him to be the successor, so I secretly investigated his identity. Had I not investigated, I wouldn't know and now that I know, I was shocked."