You Push the Door 1

In the Deep Sea.

It was rare to be released from 007's working conditions and allowed out to play. Greedy the Cat Spirit did not expect that when it happened, it would be underwater.


It could not help but look up curiously and ask, "Where is this place?"


Xu Xiaoshou chuckled and did not explain further.

What did the little white cat know about the Deep Sea and the Lone Cliff? No matter how much he said, it would be useless!

He ignored Greedy the Cat Spirit and used the Imitator to isolate himself and the little white cat from the water pressure in the Deep Sea. Then, with a shake of his body, he transformed into Yama, Huang Quan.


Greedy the Cat Spirit was excited. He would soon be changing his form again.

"Who is he going to beat up this time?"