Poverty! Original Sin! 3

"Meow!" Greedy the Cat Spirit translated.

Situ Yongren had brought more than a dozen of defensive spiritual weapons with him. These spiritual weapons could be used to resist spiritual attacks.

However, the Lei Family's Eyes were too ridiculous!

As for the Three Loathsome Eyes, it was utterly ridiculous!

When crossing the realm, as long as one was willing to pay a price, one could gain full control of the other party. Furthermore, Greedy the Cat Spirit was in the Sovereign Stage. In fact, the energy level and quality level of the ghost beast were already higher than Situ Yongren's.

Under such circumstances, Greedy the Cat Spirit could already gain full control of Situ Yongren if he wanted to when the two of them set their eyes on each other.

"Lord Huang Quan of Yama..." Situ Yongren answered subconsciously.

Huang Quan?

Good! It seemed that this guy could not tell that he was fake.