Song of the Sword 1

When Sky City fell, all the low-level Spiritual Cultivators in Yunlun Mountain Range would no longer need to live.

Of course, Bazhun'an was aware of this fact.

Saint Servant's purpose was to fight against restraint and suppression, not against society and the continent. That was why he would not allow Sky City to fall like this.

Moreover, there were Saint Servant's younger generation and the geniuses from First Pavilion in the Sky in Yunlun Mountain Range.

No matter what, these people could not die.

The rumbling sound became more and more ear-piercing.

Looking up, people could already see the edge of this ancient city burning with flames.

According to the original plan, Water Ghost was in charge of the mission about Sky City.

He had to hold on until Bazhun'an recovered before he could give the second order to make Sky City stop and float in the air.

However, doing so would be a waste of time.