The Humiliated Demi-Saint (3)

Which demi-saint could bear such humiliation? Now, even the gods couldn't save him!

Xu Xiaoshou stared at the three people in the arena and counted softly, "Three, two, one...Boom!"


A deafening sound suddenly erupted in the Forest of Miracles. The ground within a radius of ten thousand miles sank, and the mountains and rivers collapsed. The space above the Nine Heavens was like a mirror that fell apart.

All of the spiritual cultivators who were still hiding in the forest looked up into the sky, and all of them saw a beam of holy light descending from the sky and landing somewhere far away.


The sound of Taoist music filled the battlefield, and Holy Power surged.

Jiang Buyi's other hand trembled as he wiped off the stinky blood foam from his face and ears. At this moment, even his pupils were trembling.

"You, are, seeking, death!"