Me? (1)

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The stone giants' feet came down from the sky one after another.

Xiao Kongtong and Ye Xiaotian dodged again. One used spatial teleportation, the other did a Space-Time Transition, and both flashed to a temporarily safe place.

"Huff huff..."

Xiao Kongtong was already panting uncontrollably.

He hadn't used the first level of Fantasy Sword Technique at such a high frequency for many years. Moreover, he didn't use it for fighting. Instead, he used it to escape.

How shameful!

He had tarnished all of his teacher's reputations!

If he had known earlier, he would have changed his own appearance before meeting Ye Xiaotian!

"Can you do it? It's been so long and you still haven't found him?" Looking at Ye Xiaotian's calm and composed demeanor, Xiao Kongtong could not help but feel envious and angry.