The Debut 1

"I guess what you said makes sense."

Mei Siren smiled but did not answer the question.

The first time the concept of Penetrating Divine Senses came into existence was during the War of the Ten High Nobles of the previous generation.

Kui Leihan was then seen as the head of the Ten High Nobles, even if it was not officially recognized.

However, the world acknowledged it. Even bards called Bazhun'an the second in Songs of the Ten High Nobles, which showed their ranks.

Without a doubt, after the ten Supremes, Penetrating Divine Senses was on fire.

Kui Leihan's God Punishment Tribulation was considered the first generation's Penetrating Divine Senses. To commemorate this heroic feat that transcended the era, any techniques inspired by God Punishment Tribulation in the later generations were all classified as Penetrating Divine Senses 2.0.