Gift From the Universe 1

The sky was bright.

In the vast kingdom of Giants, the three human figures on the long street seemed so small and insignificant.

"Finally, I've managed to escaped from that accursed place!"

The old man Elder Xie who walked with a limp and was dressed in ragged clothes, clutched the dark, withered branch tightly in his hand. There was still a trace of gloom and horror on his face, but there was also a trace of joy in his eyes that he managed to survive this disaster.

He would never forget that eerie place where a red moon hung in the sky and the mountain of corpses piled up high in the Blood Sea, in his entire life.

Especially the seven tall Blood Trees in the middle of the Blood Sea, and the terrifying corpses that hung from the branches. It was truly a nightmare within a nightmare!

If it wasn't for the fact that he managed to flee for his life and had mastered some mental defense techniques...