This Child Can Be Taught! 1

"How do you feel?"

When they returned to the night sky, Xiao Kongtong was the first to speak. He asked about Xu Xiaoshou's conditon, but he did not ask much about his previous 'whipping corpse' move.

As Master Siren had said, Xu Xiaoshou was very smart.

If he wanted to talk about something, he would naturally talk about it. If he didn't want to talk about it, it was useless to ask more.

On one hand, he was worried, but on the other hand, he had confidence in Xu Xiaoshou.

As long as this brat had not been bewitched and led astray, it would be very difficult for anyone in the world to corrupt his mind and will.

After all, the power of Xu Xiaoshou's 'self' was strong and could be seen from the Present Gods and Buddhas in his eyes.

"I feel..."

Xu Xiaoshou touched the stone sword and pursed his lips. He glanced at the two Ancient Swordsmen in front of him.