The Summoning Spirits 3

"What's that laughter... restrain yourself. Everyone has the desire to learn."

Xu Xiaoshou held his head and wiped away his tears. He thought to himself, "Teacher, you've never seen Elder Qiao. Are you looking down on...can you not hear my head of the Four Disciples of the Holy Palace, Elder Qiao's laughter?"

Xiao Kongtong clutched his head and finally suppressed his joy. He shook his head and laughed, "Granny, can you give us Ancient Swordsman some face? The 'Phantom Swords Technique isn't that easy to practice."

"How did Xu Xiaoshou do it in one step? Ghost Granny pursed her lips and looked away.

"The second step!"

Mei Siren's words pulled everyone back to the main topic.

When he saw the students looking at him, he restrained the Sword Will in his body and deliberately manifested it. He turned it into visible air ripples and gathered them in his eyes.