The Power of the Blood Pearl (Part 1)

In the dark red world.

As far as the eye could see, it was a mountain of corpses and a Blood Sea that was enough to drown half of an ordinary person.

At the end of this place, there were seven towering blood trees with withered bones hanging from the branches. One after another, it was a terrifying and strange sight.

"Holy Power!"

Floating above the Blood World, the golden-haired Yan Wuse suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction he had come from. His voice was filled with surprise.

"You're right, it's the Holy Power."

Number two, who was taller than ordinary people and seemed to fit the size of this giant kingdom better, said emotionlessly, "

"Including this one and the one I sensed when we got close to the Forest of Miracles, there are now two Demi-saint's Powers on Abyss Island. 

"That is Jiang Buyi." Yan Wuse said with absolute certainty.