Awakener! (3)

Then, he stopped rigidly in midair, and even the speed of his thoughts slowed down, as if everything was frozen.

"What.. the hell... what's the meaning of this?"

After decisively ending the Awakening ability, Xu Xiaoshou regained his mobility and scratched his head.

"I didn't consume my Spiritual Source, and nothing else was consumed. This Awakening ability is used to restrain myself and help the enemy?" Xu Xiaoshou was dumbfounded.

He quickly realized that something was wrong.

Perhaps, this defensive Awakening ability was used to immobilize himself and to defend against the enemy's attack?

"But I'm in the 'Freeze' state, so I can't move, let alone use any other moves. This Awakening ability forced me to be controlled by one move... is that a rotten skill or what?"

Xu Xiaoshou never thought that an Awakening ability would deceive him. All the previous divine skills told him that it was impossible.