I Think I Can Defeat You (2)

Mu Zixi gasped. This was the first time she had seen someone send Xu Xiaoshou flying with a single punch. However, since this was a giant, it seemed understandable.

In this world, other than giants, no one seemed to be able to accomplish such a magnificent feat.

"Is it really okay?" Xiao Kongtong was slightly worried. He already found it ridiculous that Xu Xiaoshou could survive that attack with a human body against a void servant without using his spiritual source or sword techniques.

Mei Siren shook his head slightly. He had no intention to stop Xu Xiaoshou's actions.

He could see that although Xu Xiaoshou looked crazy, he still had his own plans. Just like when he was cultivating the Heart Sword Technique, he was trying to verify his own ideas.

What Xu Xiaoshou was thinking about, outsiders would definitely not know.