Forbidden Doll (1)

"What a great formation!"

At the end of the labyrinth's walls, an Elder stood outside the Great Hall with a little girl.

"This is the fourth Palace in the First Hall of Sins." 

"Although the First Hall of Sins doesn't look very vast on the outside, I did not know that it's filled with countless side palaces...Don't you think so, kid?"

Jiang Buyi looked at the palace door that was sealed by the great array for a moment and turned to look at the little girl beside him.

She was a very special existence. After Jiang Buyi and the Five Decays of Heaven and Man were separated due to the space disorder in the First Hall of Sins, he met this little girl.

She couldn't speak, and seemed unable to act on her own accord. She didn't look threatening at all and resembled a puppet. Her cultivation level was only at the Sovereign Dao Realm.