Wen Sword Technique, Sword Enlightenment! (4)

He only needed to smell anything related to swords... Just like a normal person who smelt a scent, Gu Qingyi could basically tell what the limit was with just a light sniff.

Gu Qingyi didn't know if this was considered an Acquired Stage for the sword body that he had cultivated for himself.

However, this ability was very useful in cultivation, battles and location of a person or the enemy.

With this ability, Gu Qingyi could clearly feel that Chen Shu's Sword Will was at a very high level, almost on par with his.

As for the power inside...

This aura did not seem to be something that a young man could cultivate!

It was even higher than his and almost crushed him. The higher void that he had seen in the past did not even have this kind of aura!
