The Master of Void Island, the Door of the Secondary Plane! (3)

Gu Qinger was full of curiosity as he listened to the conversation.

His worries had been alleviated by Senior Brother's words of enlightenment during the Arena, where he had mentioned that the Five Decays of Heaven and Man may not be weaker than the Supreme Master. Now, Gu Qinger wanted to ask about the "death countdown" that had been mentioned.

But as soon as Gu Qingyi reached out his hand to ask, he was immediately silenced.

After all, he didn't want to pry into the private matters of his saviour, even if he was curious.

Suddenly, Xu Xiaoshou felt a spiritual shock as the Death Exemption Token transformed into a spiritual light and entered his brow, clearing the countdown from his mind.

At that moment, everything seemed brighter and clearer, and the Zhen Huang Palace even seemed to glow a little more.Xu Xiaoshou felt like even the air around him had become fresher - even though nothing had changed.