An Invincible Monster! 0% Vitality!

"Do you have a mother?"

"If you have the guts, turn around and look at your Grandpa Zhu!"

"I can teach you the correct way to treat a woman!"

The air fell silent at this moment.

A red light flashed in Number Two's eyes as he turned his head to look at him.

As the strongest Divine Puppet, he possessed but could easily suppress any human emotions.

However, at this moment, something seemed to have touched Number Two's nerves.

Just like the reverse scale of the dragon, to Number Two, being insulted was not considered serious. However, if it involved Hallmaster Dao...

If he wanted to die, he could indeed cut the queue when he did this!

Zhu Yike was still laughing. He laughed until tears came out of his eyes. He slapped his thighs with both hands and looked as if he had suddenly realized something.

"Oh? I forgot to ask, you're an object, do you have a handle?"

"If you do, how many do you have?"