Ultimate Tacit Understanding! (1)


At this moment, Xu Xiaoshou's heart was filled with countless thoughts.

In his mind, the omnipotent image of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man had collapsed at the same time.

This old thing couldn't beat Number Two at all!

Since you can't beat him, why did you keep up the pretense?

You even fooled me, and I thought you could defeat this Divine Oracle by yourself!

Xu Xiaoshou was angry, amused, and touched at the same time.

What was the purpose of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man?

Even though he knew that he couldn't defeat the Divine Oracle, he still ran out to save him...

Other than the grand scheme of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man where he wanted to trade at a price he could not even afford, Xu Xiaoshou could not think of any reason why he would do that.
