Hongmei Third-Class, Falling Flower World! (1)

As expected...

Mei Siren knew that Xu Xiaoshou would not abandon his companions.

Number Two was aware of this so he nailed the Five Decays of Heaven and Man here and successfully lured Xu Xiaoshou to stay.

However, Xu Xiaoshou was not stupid, so he must have seen through this.

Since that was the case, he still wanted to learn the sword. He must have calculated the pre and post price to learn the sword.

Mei Siren's thoughts reached this point; he tilted his head to look at him and made a final confirmation:

"At this moment? This place?"

Xu Xiaoshou also turned his head and met his gaze as his eyes flickered.

Number Two once said Yan Wuse and Dao Qiongcang were also on Abyss Island. Even if they weren't here, he must have other accomplices.