Hongmei Third-Class, Qingshi Sword! (3)

"Is that so?" Mei Siren glanced at Xu Xiaoshou.

"There's no such thing." Xu Xiaoshou was extremely indifferent, and he didn't even bat an eyelid.

"Xu Xiaoshou, you're bullshitting!" Jiang Buyi was enraged by the provocation. "I saw it clearly. Number Two waited for Yu Lingdi's recovery and at the same time he waited for Mei Siren to save you. Give me a chance..."


Without a word, Xu Xiaoshou raised Hidden Bitter who was in his hand - the Sword Enlightenment!

The black sword light that soared into the sky plowed through the void. It then instantly split Jiang Buyi's Body of Consciousness into two and dyed it pure black.


Jiang Buyi's cloud of consciousness that had been split into two halves, twitched and twisted in the air. It curled into a chaotic shape and shrank rapidly. His thoughts seemed to be out of control.

Xu Xiaoshou still wanted to attack and he couldn't wait any longer.