I'll Blow Up All the Shit! (3)

"If I can think that Bazhun'an would resolve the Si Wu Formation, then the Little Dao brat would definitely think of it as well."

"That little Dao brat said that we have to treat Bazhun'an as if we were him. Then he would also have the same thoughts as us."

"So this was not his actual plan at all. It's just a delaying tactic. Then what was his real plan..."

Yan Wuse grabbed his golden hair again, and his head looked like a messy bird's nest.

He formed his conclusions for the first two thoughts, but after he pondered about it for a long time, he could not come up with any for the third idea.

"What was it?"

"Hiss, what could it be?"

"Use the method taught by that Little Dao brat to think out of the box. Yes, out of the box. I am the third party, or I am the enemy. Think about it from here..."

"If I were Ba, then my goal would be to destroy this d*mned Holy Divine Palace."