Pointing a Sword at the Oracle? (2)

Xu Xiaoshou was shocked when he felt the power of the mind control that almost humiliated his spirit and nearly turned him into a devout believer.

He had never underestimated the liberated state Divine Oracle.

However, he never expected that once Number Two was not controlled for the first time, the combat strength he released in his liberated state would radiate so widely.

When he thought of this...

Xu Xiaoshou turned to look at Mei Siren and he felt that his teacher was unfathomable!

How strong he must have been, to be able to take on the liberated state Divine Oracle at the beginning of the battle... No, he had already found a way to fight him even before it started.

He even succeeded!

"Don't look at me, I really can't help you now. Moreover, without Jiang Buyi as bait, the Falling Flower World would be useless against Number Two." Mei Siren sent a solemn telepathic communication to him.