Three Realms Bind on The Emperor! (1)

"What is the Three Realms Sword?"

Deep down, Xu Xiaoshou felt that he was impoverished to the core, unworthy of being called an ancient swordsman, even though he was the one who truly possessed boundless talent.

Bazhun'an glanced at him but did not answer, his expression turned serious as he focused his gaze on Yan Wuse. "Don't ask, just be ready to draw your sword when the time comes."

"When is that time?"

"In a little while."

Bazhun'an fell silent.

He gracefully waved his sleeves, and his clothes danced without a breeze.

There were no superfluous movements whatsoever, but the background of the Arena faded away.

Subconsciously, all the spiritual cultivators on Abyss Island stopped paying attention to Yama and Number Two's situation and shifted their gazes to him.

Everyone sensed it collectively...

The Eighth Sword Deity was about to unleash his sword!

"A sword can represent all things."