This Old Man Did Lie to You! (1)

Everyone looked up and saw a graceful figure that flew over from the south.

The woman held a long sword diagonally as she stepped on the air. She wore a long backless dress. Her fragrant shoulders were exposed, and her skin was as white as snow.

Her facial features were exquisite, and her eyebrows were like a painting; she looked like a fairy from Heaven. However, at this moment, her beautiful face seemed to be carved from ice.

Especially the pair of beautiful eyes that were filled with killing intent. There seemed to be shards of sword light that glittered in them and made it difficult for others to look at them.

When she finished speaking, her Holy Energy and Sword Will turned into intangible waves that fluctuated as she landed in their midst.

The ruins of the Zhen Huang Palace and the ruins of the giant kingdom were filled with dust and stones. It caused everyone to panic.

"Sword Saint?!"

"Why would there be another Sword Saint?"