I Really Can't Tell! (2)

"Bazhun'an" raised his head abruptly, lips curved in a sneer, and chuckled:

"Those who emulate me shall live, those who resemble me shall die..."

"Absolute Imperial Control!"

The same void rift, the same worship of myriad swords, the same overwhelming aura.

With a resounding thunder, the opposing "Xiao Kongtong" was inexplicably overpowered by the aura. He tumbled and fell, interrupting his attacking moves.

Seizing this opportunity, "Bazhun'an" did not hold back. Raising his hand in a graceful motion, Nine Swords swirled around him, forming the initiation of the Nine Swords Technique.


"How dare you impudent child utter such boastful words, imitating my teacher. Watch as I lay you to waste!"

"Xiao Kongtong" immediately retorted in response to the taunt.

Everyone watched as he leaped into the air and vanished. After the Fantasy Sword Technique was lifted, his true appearance was revealed where he stood before.