If I'm Here, He Has Thirteen Breaths of Time! (2)

He thought about how much he had sacrificed for the secondary plane door and how many times his head had been blown up.

At this moment, his heart turned cold. He laughed bitterly and said.

"Perhaps in your heart, to award Sword Saint Rao battle merits mattered the most."

"But my mission was to guard the secondary plane door! It was Sword Saint Rao who arranged to enter the Abyss Island ahead of time."

"At that time, I could only let her pursue the Five Decays of Heaven and Man and look for Huang Quan! Was that wrong?"

The Light Angel was like an emotionless puppet. He ignored Yu Lingdi's argument and said, "What about the secondary plane door?"

Yu Lingdi took a deep breath and suppressed his emotions. He rubbed his right hand against his heart.

As blood spurted out, he took out a door-shaped ornament that was about the size of a thumbnail.