Maniac God's Arrival! (3)

"Sun Wheel!"

"Endless Sun Wheel!"

"Pulsation of light."

"Path Principles Rhythm!"

""F*ck, it can do that? Eat my Thunderstrike Spear..."

"Original Sealing Spear!"

In the sky above the Fallen Abyss, the two Yan Wuses fought with each other. They battled their way from the Fallen Abyss to the First Hall of Sins and back again.

He moved around continuously.

However, it was obvious who the real Yan Wuse was.

The Yan Wuse who was visibly weak, had spiritual technique, but its power was too feeble.

On the other hand, the moves that Yan Wuse's opponent used were all enhanced versions that he had never seen before or could not use for the time being.

Two beams of the light of spiritual cultivation shot out from the south to the north, and left one person bleeding.

And beside the red-hot Dark Iron Sword, there were still two rays of light that fought!