Call Me Water Ghost! (2)

Once Xu Xiaoshou had carefully considered his options, he was no longer afraid.

He knew that he could not withstand the combined force of the two Saints, so instead of facing defeat in isolation, he decided to make a bold move.

"Stir up Dao Qiongcang and force him out!" he declared.

He was not just planning to stir the pot; he intended to manipulate the information of the Holy Divine Palace and all the knowledge of the Divine Oracle.

He even had a duplicate of the intricate Divine Array that created the Divine Oracle.

At this point, the Holy Divine Palace must have had some inkling of Aje's existence.

If Elder Qiao could make use of this data, the Servant Servant could create a new Divine Oracle, and the Holy Divine Palace would lose one in return.

Could Dao Qiongcang endure this? Surely not!

He had to make a move!