The Earliest Chess Piece! (2)

"A long time ago."

"A long time?" Xu Xiaoshou's heart skipped a beat. "How long?"

"About the time when you first met me..." Water Ghost paused. "A day ago!"

First meeting...

A day ago...

Xu Xiaoshou's jaw dropped until it almost fell off.

He had a good memory. He recalled that when he first saw Yu Lingdi on Abyss Island, it was at the weak space of the First Hall of Sins, when the Five Decays of Heaven and Man fought with Ye Xiao, right?

So early?

Xu Xiaoshou's heart sank.

"At that time... It was too early! You're lying, you must be! At that time, my junior sister even managed to beat up that trash Yu Lingdi... Cough, he can't be you."

Xu Xiaoshou shook his head vehemently.

Water Ghost laughed and said, "That's why I remember your junior sister."

Xu Xiaoshou immediately stopped shaking his head.

Don't laugh!

That sort of laugh - was there any ulterior motive behind it?