Destiny Is in My Hands, Who Can't Be Punished? (2)

She didn't say much. She was still quite a smart person. She knew that at this time, she couldn't say anything to provoke him. Otherwise, things might change.

However, even though she had lost all her trump cards, she was still fearless. It was as if she was sure that since Water Ghost appeared, he would not dare to kill her.

Xu Xiaoshou saw it all too clearly!

An evil energy arose in his heart for no reason, just like when he transformed into a Berserk Giant. The beastly desire that constantly attacked his rationality surged forth.

"The Dao realm doesn't allow me to slay a Saint?" Xu Xiaoshou raised his eyebrows, and a ray of intense white light shot out from his eyes.

He could even use his spiritual senses to see that Dao Qiongcang, who had been blasted into the ground, had already given up trying to stop him.

It was as if he was certain that he wouldn't dare to confront the aristocratic family of the Holy Emperor.